Part 1 : Balagan
"Digging for records can be academic, but Kant and Euclid never made your ass move. Audioblogs galore are as imposing as they are pleasing, and the ability to let the world know what you're into has spawned an excess of "B-more" remixes of Eagles songs and such that the world can do without. The internet is an accessory to taste, not a substitution.
This mix Funny Accent is my wee contribution to the arena, based on records I actually own and have found around the world by asking questions and really enjoying the process of learning about music. It reflects me as a listener first and a DJ second, as any mix should. Mr. Devlin seems to agree, that's why he's my dawg and he put me on his blog"
Thanks to Sam for writing a little something and giving us the link. Really nice mix he's got running here. Check for the George bush , "Sin duda"
If you want info or TRACKLISTING drop Balagan a line
Stay Tuned for Part 2 with : Klayston P
that was a flippin' banging mix. big ups to Balagan. I admire the taste in music, love how its all over the world. and yes, he is a great listener
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