Wow. In NY today it's 11 (F) and the windchill is below zero. Good thing I don't have a jobjob . I'm gonna stay inside make sprinkle edits , and download music. While today is freezing ,the weekend was pretty nice. Saturday I hit the town with Alex Huggs and Clayton Pretty Titty. We went bar and party hopping and around 2am Alex and I ended up at Savalas, where this kid played an amazing Yacht Rock set. Steely Dan to Michael McDonald and all that good stuff, but I digress.
The point of the story is, after Late night Falafels on Houston I purchased this :
This book is amazing (and crazy as shit)...but don't take it from me... It is, according to the author, "the most read in New York" and Russel Simmons says, "I really like the title."
As for the artwork, I've been to art school and, man, a class could probably have a 30 min. discussion on it's formal qualities alone, but that would be pretty boring....
Just buy a copy and enjoy.
This shit is blazini. I need it for Red Emma's.
Yo Chris... that DJ at Savalas was my boy Soul Korea ( Check him out. Good hangin with you mang!
THANKS JMAT!!!. updated with a link.
see you again soon.!
yall are gonna need to be weened off that late night falafel shit:
HAHA! i ran into that guy last saturday. he had on a pig nose and everything...
For a minute I was pretty sure that "Save thy soul from any snatch of the devil" said something about the devil's snatch?
I DO NOT cosign on this blasphemous booklet which takes cheap shots at one of our nation's greatest presidents! You should be ashamed and embarrassed.
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