I went to the supermarket the other day on a beverage quest and saw these guys looking a little... out of place. Two thoughts immediately rushed my brain as I gazed upon the top row of liquids. A) How did these get past the assembly line? and B) Did someone piss in these bottles and put them back on the shelf? If so, how did they piss the exact amount to fill them so perfectly neat? And, did they do this in the store or did they bring these from home? I just have so many questions... Like, who's going to end up buying these and will they know that it tastes a little different from the "power-c" they're used to? Needless to say, I went the 4 for $5 gatorade route instead, since I was just too skeptical and untrusting of the stores vitamin water supply at this point.
The 'C' key on my laptop broke off as well, so.. I'm thinking that if I looked at the Horoscopes this week, i'd say it's a bad week for Cs.
Vitamin C (Eli Edit)
Also, if your in NYC this Thursday, Devlin & Darko will be DJing the N.A.S.A. record release party w/ Eli Escobar at Le Poisson Rouge. Its Free when you RSVP to NYPARTY@SQUEAKECLEAN.COM
Wicked tune
That fucking Out of Control remix on ur myspace is fucking siiiickk wit it. Anywhere I can get that?
It cannot really have success, I suppose so.
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