Since I did that shilo mix last month that basically has little or nothing to do with what I actually do when I deejay at parties and stuff I figured it's finally time to throw one of these together. so! without further ado, here's me live in my living room in all it's sloppy un-edited glory!
1. Black Ghosts "I Want Nothing"
2.Bag Raiders "Fun Punch" (xxxchange remix. mash version)
3.Ghost Hustler " Busy Busy Busy" (prince Klassen re-edit)
4.LCD Soundsystem "Get Innocuous" (Soulwax Remix)
5.Daft Punk "Alive"
6.Kissy Sellout "Her" (Touche remix)
7. Fake Blood "Blood Splashing"
8.Xinobi "Day Off"
9.Channing "Peanutz Enhancer" (Mobbing remix instrumental)
10.The Kills "Cheap and Cheerfull" (Sebastian Remix)
11.Unknown "Heartbroken" (cover version!?!)
xxxchange "live at home 12" (zshare)
if anybody has a track ID on this last one hit me up. Benzi gave it to me saying that it's the original version of T2's "heartbroken" but one look at the way it's mastered and ,well, i'm not so sure.